Automation Icon

Automation & ETL

If you can map out rules to automate a process, I can write the code to make it happen. I have familiarity with both PowerShell and Python, depending on your preferences.

I can also assist in tying your disparate data sources together in helpful and imaginitive ways, by creating ETL (extract, transform, and load) processes for your business.

Analytics Icon

SQL Analysis & Reporting

Based on a wealth of SQL experience, I can assist you in developing the specific reports you require for your organization.

Many businesses do not realize the wealth of information they could glean from the data sources they already have. I also provide review services to determine how you could better use your information to better your operations.

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B2B Management

I have an extensive background in EDI (X12) across the transportation, logistics, and healthcare industries. This includes implementation, mapping, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

If you are not using standardized EDI formats, I can also provide other any-to-any translation services depending on your needs and platform (I currently have familiarity with CLEO and Adeptia tools).

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API & Backend Development

Need an API for an internal or external process?
Tired of dealing with multiple micro-services, and looking to transition to a RESTful solution that handles the complexity?

I utilize Node.js with Express: a solid platform for quickly developing and deploying customizable web services, with OpenAPI documentation included!